AMANZI-ATS BCs for Energy

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In this blog, the implementation of swith BCs for energy in AMANZI-ATS will be demonstrated.



  • energy_bc_factory can be used to create the boundary types for energy.
  • like “temperature” “boundary temperature” ** The developer can add the new boundary condition from here.


  • #include several .h files, they are used for solving the equation with boundary conditions
  • #include :energy_bc_factory.hh” // to create the bc parameters
  • #include “energy_base.hh” //operators and functions, like the martix_adv_
  • #

// set up Operator

  • bc_temperature_ = bc_factory.CreateTemperature();
  • bc_diff_flux_ = bc_factory.CreateDiffusiveFlux();
  • bc_flux_ = bc_factory.CreateTotalFlux();
  • bc_adv_ = Teuchos::rcp(new Operator::BCs(mesh_, AmanziMesh::FACE, WhetStone::DOF_Type::SCALAR));

  • // – create the forward operator for the diffusion term
  • Operators::PDE_DiffusionFactory opfactory; matrix_diff_ = opfactory.Create(mfd_plist, mesh_, bc_); matrix_diff_->SetTensorCoefficient(Teuchos::null); matrix_ = matrix_diff_->global_operator();
  • // – create the forward operator for the advection term
  • matrix_adv_ ->SetBCs(bc_adv_, bc_adv_)

//Evaluate boundary conditions at the current time auto& markers = bc_markers(); auto& values = bc_values();

auto& adv_markers = bc_adv_->bc_model(); auto& adv_values = bc_adv_->bc_value();

  • bc_marker == operator::OPERATOR_BC_NEUMAN
  • bc_adv_ ==operator::OPERATOR_BC_DIRICHLET
  • src/operators/PDE_Diffusion*


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