Blog Post Ddt_on_pinklady

1 minute read


title: ‘DDT on pinklady’ date: 2022-05-22 permalink: /posts/2022/05/DDT on Pinklady/

  • To connect pinklady, the user should type “ssh” in terminal.

I have installed the (master) development version of ATS on pinklady along with DDT as a debugger (the trial license is good through June 24). We must run the master branch as the linkage to PFLOTRAN actually runs (though I have yet to verify that it is correct). Please update all input decks to use it.

To run ats:

  • ssh to pinklady
  • cd /software/hamm495
  • (alt ats-master lib)
  • source
  • ssh_source

If you can not do source with an error source: not found. Please check the shell you used by env | grep SHELL. Sometime, it will be sh not bash. Therefore, you need to swith sh to bash. or create a new file for sh.

  • chsh -s /bin/bash libi292
  • which mpirun
  • ensure that the output from which mpirun prints “/software/hamm495/alt/bin/mpirun”
  • navigate to the directory with the input file ats –xml_file=filename.xml

  • Download and unzip it on pinklady

  • To debug ats through DDT:

  • V1. Install VcXsrv ( on your Window machine; Xming will not work) (It did not work for my case)
  • V2. download Mobaxterm (
  • Start the VcXsrv xserver
  • ssh to pinklady cd /software/hamm495
  • source
  • which mpirun
  • ensure that the output from which mpirun prints “/software/hamm495/alt/bin/mpirun”
  • navigate to the directory with the input file ddt & # Click on ‘Run’
  • Specify the location of the executable in the “Application” field (e.g. /software/hamm495/ats-master/amanzi-install-master-Debug/bin/ats)
  • Specify the command line arguments in the “Arguments:” field (e.g. –xml_file=filename.xml) # Ensure that the checkbox to the left of Runtime is checked (this enables MPI)
  • Click Run

Please let me know if there are mistakes in these instructions or questions. You must source the file as it sets correct environment variables.