
Bing Li is currently a Postdoc at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). He is a quantitative computational modeling developer by training. His research interests lie primarily in two areas. The first area is understanding of the hydrological, biogeochemical processes occurring at the aquatic-terrestrial interface under the impact of groundwater and surface water interactions. The second area is developing numerical model based on C++ and Python. Mainly, he developed hyporheicFoam ad OpenPINN model for studying climate change. He is also interested in leveraging machine learning to assist hydrologic modeling.

At PNNL, Bing has been working on the SBR-SFA project titled “River Corridor Hydrobiogeochemistry Science Focus Area”, with a focus on reach- and watershed- scale river corridor modeling. He aims to understand the dominant factors that control the dynamic exchange between river and aquifers and their implications on contaminant mobilization, biogeochemical and ecological processes in the Columbia River Basin under the impact of climate change and disturbances (e.g., wildfire).

Bing received his PhD in Civil Engineering with focus on water resource from Pennsylvania State University (USA) in 2021. Most of his previous work has focused on groundwater-surface water interactions under dynamic river flow conditions and their implications on nutrient and contaminant transport and transformation in the hyporheic zone adjacent to riverbanks. With an interest in computational modeling, Bing joined The Environmental Fluid Dynamics Lab in May 2018. His advisor is Dr. Xiaofeng Liu. The research project was mainly on “Respiration in hyporheic zones: connecting mechanics, microbial biogeochemistry, and models”, collaborating with the UT Austin and PNNL, under Award DE-SC0018042. he was also working on the machine learning project, “Solving Surface Shallow Water Equations using Machine Learning Algorithms, Penn State ICDS Seed Grand, 2020”. Before moving to Civil Engineering, Bing studied the Multi-physical Modeling of the Lithium-ion battery in the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Pennsylvania State University (2017-2018) and computational fluid dynamics, naval engineering, and ocean engineering at Dalian University of Technology (2014-2017) and Harbin Institute of Technology (2010-2014).

I have a strong interest in using computational methods to solve challenging problems in science and engineering. By far, I have been working on different researches. My career goal is to make this world a better place for me and for you.

Outside research, I love hiking, basketball, reading, and taking photos of the beautiful nature I visited. Nature is always the inspiration of my life and research. Additional details about Bing’s research, technical blogs, and CV can be accessed using the menu above. Links to other web profiles are listed on the left panel.